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Leadership for Execution of Strategy seminar with Matt Tice, Managing Director, Palladium Group Asia Pacific, 11th August

  • 11 Aug 2014
  • 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM
  • AUT University, Sir Paul Reeves Building, 2 Governor Fitzroy Place (off Mayoral Drive or St Paul's St) Auckland City
  • 33


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Palladium Group Leadership seminar


Executing strategy is the most important role that a leader plays in any organisation. Ensuring those leaders are equipped for that role is essential for organisational success and yet companies are consistently failing to equip their leaders with the skills they need to successfully execute that strategy. What worked in the past is redundant almost as soon as it’s occurred and businesses need to adjust to these massive and increasingly speedy changes in a dynamic and strategic fashion.

Following three years of research under an Australian Research Council (ARC) grant Palladium Group, in collaboration with Monash University and the University of Queensland, has just completed a global study of 1000 corporations and government agencies around the world to understand the specific ingredients for leadership success in the execution of strategy.  This study, the first of its kind in the world, was a deep dive into the specific traits that leaders need to have to execute strategy successfully. 

Our findings clearly demonstrate the link between effective leadership and the ability to successfully execute strategy. More specifically, they show the need to develop specific skills necessary for the execution of strategy in organizational leaders. In fact, it shows an integrated approach will yield better results in terms of organizational performance outcomes (e.g., market share, revenue growth and profitability) and performance drivers (e.g., quality, innovation, and staff retention and customer satisfaction).

According to the research the Palladium Leadership for Execution of Strategy model, which was developed in order to help organizations address the issues that arose in the research, explain 38% of the variance in respondents of high performing firms’ scores on the perceived organization performance and 19% of the variation in market performance.

In this event we will draw on our insights from our 3-year Australian Research Council funded project to provide you with a highly interactive experience where you will learn more about leadership for the execution of strategy and what that means to your organization.

Why is Leadership for the Execution of Strategy important to your team?

Learn about your Leadership for the Execution of Strategy capability:

• Undertake the world first Leadership for the Execution of Strategy assessment. As a result of our global research project, we have developed a way to measure the Leadership for the Execution of Strategy capabilities of organisations, teams and individuals 16 traits identified as essential the successful execution of strategy. Each participant will be provided with access to the online assessment tool, reports will be provided to each participant at the event that will include insightful and valuable information on your personal Leadership for the Execution of Strategy strengths and development areas.

• In addition participants will have the opportunity to practically work through the leadership issues facing an organization and how these issues are affecting their ability to execute their strategies.

Who should attend? Organisational leaders responsible for successful strategy execution including:

• CEOs, CFOs, COOs, CIOs, Presidents, Board members, General Managers, and Executive Leadership Teams

• Vice Presidents, Directors of Strategy Management and Line of Business Leaders

• Chief Human Resource Officers, Directors of HR, HR Leaders

• Change Management Architects (Sponsors, Agents, Advocates) and Talent as well as Operational Design Stakeholders

This workshop will help decision makers and strategy leaders:

• Participate in a hands-on, highly interactive experience designed to help you learn how improving Leadership for the Execution of Strategy can help your business achieve breakthrough results.

• Identify your/your team’s specific Leader- ship for the Execution of Strategy strengths and development areas.

• Begin developing an approach to address areas of Leadership for the Execution of Strategy opportunity to more effectively engage with customers, clients, employees and colleagues

About Palladium

Palladium Group, Inc. is the global leader in helping organisations solve pressing strategy execution challenges. We are dedicated to understanding and addressing the strategic issues that drive successful results. Founded by Dr. Robert S. Kaplan and Dr. David P. Norton, we help clients achieve superior performance through integrated consulting, technology, and educational services. Built on our enviable suite of propriety methodologies and best-practice frameworks, such as the Palladium Execution Premium Process™ (XPP), the Kaplan-Norton Balanced Scorecard™, Palladium operates at the intersection of Strategy, Leadership and Innovation.

The benefits of our approach is demonstrated in the Balanced Scorecard Hall of Fame for Executing Strategy®, which recognises organisations that improve performance through outstanding execution. Our offices located throughout the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia- Pacific enjoy a successful track record with over 700 clients.

The Presenter Matt Tice Managing Director, Palladium Group Asia Pacific Mathew Tice is Managing Director and founding Partner for Asia-Pacific at the Palladium Group. Mr Tice is a leading advisor to CEOs across Asia-Pacific in the areas of strategy, performance, leadership, innovation, and governance. Mr Tice has worked with hundreds of organizations globally and in the Asia-Pacific region to create value through rapid and effective strategy execution.

Two hour Seminar followed by refreshments and networking

Date: 11th August 2014

Time: 3.30pm to 7.00pm

Venue: AUT University,  Sir Paul Reeves Building, 2 Governor Fitzroy Place (off Mayoral Drive or St Paul's St) Auckland City

Cost: Members $110 inc GST, Non Members $125 inc GST

Registrations will not be refunded if bookings are cancelled after 6th August 2014.

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