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  • 10 Aug 2012 1:13 PM | Mike Hearn (Administrator)

    Vista Entertainment Solutions Ltd, a global leader in entertainment software solutions, has won the Supreme Award for trade with the United States at the 13th AmCham DHL Express Success & Innovation Awards, held last night at Auckland’s Pullman Auckland Hotel.

    The Supreme Award is chosen from the winners of each of the categories presented on the night. The complete list of winners follows:

        Importer of the Year from the USA: Seychelle Water Filters Ltd

        Investor of the Year to or from the USA: Mighty River Power Ltd

        Exporter of the Year – under NZ$500,000: Red Witch Analog Ltd

        Exporter of the Year – NZ$500,001 – 5 million:  Vista Entertainment Solutions Ltd

        Exporter of the Year – over NZ$5 million: Yealands Estate Wines

        Trevor Eagle Memorial Award – AmCham Supporter of the Year: Pfizer New Zealand Ltd

        Supreme Award Winner:  Vista Entertainment Solutions Ltd

    Vista Entertainment’s key areas of expertise are the provision of cinema management solutions to the cinema exhibition industry as well as providing solutions for Food and Beverage facilities, and a software development service for entertainment sector customers. Over the last three years their US business has had cumulative growth of 111% with expectations of reaching 468% by 2014.

    AmCham’s Executive Director, Mike Hearn, said a record number of entries were received for the Investor of the Year category.

    “Each year we see and hear about great New Zealand success stories and their relationships with the USA, this year is no exception.  While the US economic situation is still slow, and the dollar has worked against New Zealand exporters, there are still many companies growing their business and presence in the USA,” said Mr Hearn.

    Tim Baxter, Country Manager for DHL Express New Zealand said DHL is proud to continue its support of the 2012 AmCham-DHL Express Success and Innovation Awards.

    “It’s great to acknowledge Kiwi companies who are realizing success in the USA. DHL has experienced strong double digit growth in US exports and imports and we see this as an increasingly important market for NZ businesses. We’re proud of our ability to support companies doing business with the US and last month launched a dedicated US freighter which has reduced transit time by a day between the US and NZ,” said Mr Baxter. 

    The AmCham DHL Express Success and Innovation Awards celebrate success and innovation in the export, import and investment sectors between New Zealand and its third-largest trading partner, the US. Prizes include NZ$2,500 for air travel to the USA on Qantas Airways for winners of the importer and exporter categories.

    In addition to AmCham, DHL-Express and Qantas, the awards are also supported by Baldwins and Fonterra, a two-time winner of the Supreme Award in 2008 and 2009.

    Other previous winners of the Supreme Award include Zespri International, Specialist Marine Interiors, Peace Software, Airways Corporation, HumanWare, Tenon, Orion Systems International, Zeacom and Pratt & Whitney Air New Zealand Services t/a Christchurch Engine Centre, and Buckley Systems.

  • 13 Jul 2012 12:34 PM | Mike Hearn (Administrator)

    AUCKLAND, 13 July, 2012– The American Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand has today announced the finalists for the 2012 AmCham-DHL Express Success and Innovation Awards.


    Mike Hearn, Executive Director for AmCham, says 2012 has seen another strong group of entrants, covering diverse range of products and services from water to wine, nutraceuticals to salmon, software technology to kilns and baggage handling systems.


    “Trade with the USA continues to run around $9 billion however over the last year we have seen more New Zealand companies entering the US market, setting up offices and hiring staff,” says Mr Hearn.


    “It has also been a very positive year for inbound investment with a record number of nominations for the Investor of the Year to or from the USA award.”


    The finalists are:


    Importer of the Year

    o    Cavit & Co Limited,

    o    Nature's Sunshine Products (NZ) Ltd

    o    Seychelle Water Filter Ltd

    o    Tidd Ross Todd Ltd


    Investor of the Year to or from the USA

    o    Endeavour Capital Ltd

    o    Fiserv, Inc.

    o    General Electric (GE)

    o    Mighty River Power Ltd

    Exporter of the Year to the USA $1 to $500,000

    o    Abel Software Ltd

    o    Red Witch Analog Ltd


    Exporter of the Year to the USA $500,001 to $5m

    o    BCS Group Ltd

    o    Kono NZ LP

    o    Mt Cook Alpine Salmon Ltd

    o    Vista Entertainment Solutions Ltd

    o    Windsor Engineering Group Ltd


    Exporter of the Year to the USA over $5m

    o    Natural History New Zealand Ltd

    o    Serato Inv LP

    o    TRU-TEST Ltd

    o    Yealands Estate Wines


    One of the above will be chosen as the Supreme winner.


    The awards will be presented at a black tie gala dinner at the Pullman Hotel Auckland on 9th August. Robert Tapert (Hercules, Xena & Spartacus) will be the keynote speaker with David Slack as the MC.  For details and tickets see


    In addition to AmCham, DHL Express and Qantas Airways, the awards are supported by Baldwins and Fonterra.


    Previous winners of the Supreme Award have included Zespri International, Peace Software, Airways Corporation, HumanWare, Tenon, Orion Health, Zeacom, SMI Group, Fonterra and Pratt & Whitney Air New Zealand Services t/a Christchurch Engine Centre, Buckley Systems.

  • 21 Jun 2012 2:32 PM | Mike Hearn (Administrator)

    Defence Minister Jonathan Coleman and US Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta today signed the Washington Declaration, a new defence cooperation arrangement, at the Pentagon in Washington DC.

    Read full release >>
  • 21 Jun 2012 2:31 PM | Mike Hearn (Administrator)

    “I have today issued a formal statement on behalf of all TPP parties welcoming Canada to the TPP negotiation. This follows yesterday’s announcement that Mexico will join the negotiations. New Zealand warmly congratulates our Canadian colleagues,” Mr Groser says.

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  • 20 Jun 2012 2:26 PM | Mike Hearn (Administrator)

    Minister of Trade Tim Groser this morning welcomed the announcement that Mexico will join Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Chile, Malaysia, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States and Viet Nam in negotiations to conclude a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

    Read full release >>

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