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Arnaud Daurat

Exxovantage Ltd


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Exxovantage Ltd

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Job title
Global Chief Executive Officer
Arnaud is the founding Global CEO of Exxovantage, the leading organization in Augmented Biomechanics, wearables, wearable robotics and exoskeletons, AI and data analytics.
For over 10 years, Arnaud has been the founding CEO of Branché Landscapes, a design and build landscaping practice based in Auckland, New Zealand.

​Being in the Engineering and Construction industries for 25 years and driven by empathy and compassion for his workforce has led Arnaud to focus on building the next generation of workers; where employees, organizations and communities would feel supported and optimized through fit-for-purpose solutions and advanced technologies.

While the march of automation will not reverse, it has a long, long way to go and Arnaud strongly believes that the best AI remains human.

Using Symbiosis of Man-Machine® technologies and integrated workforce solutions allow people to be the core of organizations for the benefit of our workforce, communities and economy.

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