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OSAC cyber security briefing

  • 13 Apr 2016
  • 2:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Westpac, 16 Takutai Square, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010
  • 88


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OSAC cyber security briefing

Cyber is one of the key issues facing businesses today.  Media report that the cost of cyber attacks have smashed $300 billion mark, yet NZ business still don't care. US & NZ Governments have set up a national agencies for cyber.

Come along and hear about 
the latest attacker motives, trends and targeted industries and the future of open source intelligence.

Key note speakers:
1) Simon Howard - Director
, ZX Security. Simon Howard who has been active in the New Zealand information security space for almost 15 years.  Simon and his staff have extensive experience in testing the security of, and finding vulnerabilities in large corporate networks and systems. They also conduct a large amount of design review work, assisting their clients meet their compliance obligations.  Simon also co-founded and assists with the running of Australasia's largest hacker conference, Kiwicon. The conference brings together like-minded individuals to discuss the latest advancements in offensive and defensive Information Security tools and techniques.

2) Peter Gomez, Assistant Legal Attaché, FBI Australia,
Special Agent (SA) Gomez joined the FBI in September of 1998.  SA Gomez was initially assigned to the FBI Boston Field Office and the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF).  In May of 2005, SA Gomez was promoted to the position of Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) on the Boston JTTF.  In May of 2011, SSA Gomez became a program manager at FBI Headquarters in Washington, DC, assigned to the Cyber Criminal Section.  SSA Gomez program managed five FBI Field Offices Cyber programs, including criminal intrusions, Internet fraud and other cyber facilitated criminal activity.  SSA Gomez was the national program manager for the Cyber Crime Task Forces (CCTF).  In January of 2013, SSA Gomez became the Acting Unit Chief for the Cyber Division Guardian Victim Analysis Unit (GVAU), which was responsible for ensuring timely and effective notifications of victims of cyber intrusions.  

3) US cyber company

This event is run in-conjunction with the NZ chapter of the Overseas Security Advisory Council. OSAC was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State.

A primary goal of OSAC is to develop an effective security communication network, consequently, OSAC invited all U.S. businesses, academia, faith-based groups, and non-governmental organizations to become constituents.

Date: 13th April
Time: 2.00pm to 5.00pm followed by refreshments
Venue: Westpac, 16 Takutai Square, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010
Cost: $50 inc GST

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