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2017 AGM

  • 25 May 2017
  • 5:00 PM - 5:30 PM
  • Room WG308, AUT University, Sir Paul Reeves Building, 2 Governor Fitzroy Place (off Mayoral Drive or St Paul's St) Auckland City


Registration is closed


The 48th Annual General Meeting of The American Chamber of Commerce in New Zealand Inc. will be held at AUT University, Room WG308, Sir Paul Reeves Building, 2 Governor Fitzroy Place (off Mayoral Drive or St Paul's St) Auckland City - 55 Wellesley St, Auckland 1010

on Thursday 25th May 2017 at 5.00pm

1.      Apologies   

2.      Confirmation of the Minutes of the 47th Annual General Meeting, held 28 May 2016

3.      Matters arising from the Minutes

4.      Presentation of the Presidents Annual Report and Accounts

5.      Election of officers of the Board

6.      Election of Honorary appointments

         Honorary Auditor: Smith Chilcott

         Honorary Solicitor: Minter Ellison Rudd Watts

7.      General Business

Please advise if you are able to attend or wish to submit an apology. 

For those attending we will email the Presidents Report, the 2016 AGM Minutes and the 31/12/16 audited accounts just before the meeting.

We thank you for your continued support.

 A reception will directly follow on from the AGM and a separate invite will be sent shortly

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