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AmCham women in business breakfast with Dr Sydney Savion, GM Learning, Air New Zealand - SOLD OUT

  • 30 May 2019
  • 7:15 AM - 9:00 AM
  • Stamford Plaza Hotel, 22-26 Albert Street, Auckland, 1010


  • Member
  • Non-Member
  • Table of 10

Women in Business breakfast
Dr Sydney Savion, GM Learning, Air New Zealand 

There is no greater threat to the workforce, marketplace, world of work and careers than those of us who are unwilling to unlearn, relearn, continuously learn and apply new knowledge and skills to stay competitive in this era of massive digital and job disruption.  Dr. Sydney Savion a noted author, scholar and learning and performance practitioner will keynote the AmCham Women in Business breakfast to launch the AmCham Women's Chapter. 

Savion is the GM Learning for Air New Zealand, where she oversees all training. She is instrumental in shaping an iconic workforce and workplace and enhancing its learning, development and measurement strategies in alignment with talent development and business goals. Throughout her dynamic career she has created and executed strategies for fostering an innovative learning culture and a high-impact learning organization

At the inaugural AmCham event, Savion will present “Taking Control of Your Own Career: Why, How and When" This timely address will resonate with leaders at all levels - all of whom are asking the same questions: How do I keep pace with this era of digital revolution --robots, automation and artificial intelligence, maintain competitiveness and shape my career?

During Savion’s presentation, attendees will explore how to take control of their own career including:
            CONNECT: Why is networking important to your success?
            PROMOTE:  Why is women leadership important to the global economy?
            EQUIP: How do we equip women to succeed as leaders?

Date:  30th May
Time: 7.15am, 7.30am seated to 9.00am
Venue: Stamford Plaza Hotel, 22-26 Albert Street, Auckland, 1010
Cost: Members $60 inc GST, Non-members $80 inc GST, Table of 10 $575 inc GST

All welcome.

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