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What will the recovery look like? FX risks in New Zealand’s post COVID-19 world. Webinar 18 June

  • 18 Jun 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Webinsr

What will the recovery look like? FX risks in New Zealand’s post COVID-19 world.

The last few months have highlighted that ‘black swan’ events can occur at any time.

Businesses that trade internationally have felt the reverberations of the rapid drop – and then rally – in the NZD.

These kinds of movements can be a major distraction when it comes to planning for future growth.

Join us as Steven Dooley, Currency Strategist for Western Union Business Solutions in the APAC region explores the implications of the current market turmoil on the NZD. Why has the NZD been so volatile and how might the local currency behave as we enter a post COVID-19 world?

More importantly, Steve will show how a basic FX risk mitigation strategy can allow you to put your FX management on autopilot so you can re-focus on your business.

About the Presenter
Steven’s worked in financial services for over 15 years and helps businesses manage the major market themes in markets. Steven makes regular TV appearances including AusBiz Network, Sky News, and ABC Lateline. Steven has written columns forwide range of publications, including Melbourne’s Herald Sun, Singapore’s Business Times and the Hong Kong Economic Journal.

Time: 12pm-1.00pm

Date: Thursday 18 June 2020
Webinar: Click the link below to register with Western Union








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