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Understanding US FDA regulations, David Lennarz, President, Registrar Corp USA, Seminar for Cosmetics & associated industries

  • 17 Mar 2025
  • 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
  • EMA, 145 Khyber Pass Road Grafton Auckland, 1023


  • In-person
  • Online


Understanding US FDA regulations
David Lennarz, President, Registrar Corp USA

Seminar for Cosmetics & associated industries

US FDA Compliance for Cosmetics and associated products to the USA

The United States regulates the import of all cosmetics, including over-the-counter (OTC) drug products.   The agency responsible for enforcing the various requirements is the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA). The United States recently enacted the Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act of 2022 (MoCRA), which significantly expands the regulatory authority of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over the cosmetics industry. MoCRA came into effect on 1st July 2024.

This seminar will offer a comprehensive overview of MoCRA and deep dive into strategies necessary for compliance and success. The speaker will also discuss critical changes unfolding within the cosmetic industry and shed light on the far-reaching impact of the new MoCRA regulations for Cosmetics exports.

Throughout the seminar you will have the opportunity to hear from an industry expert from Registrar Corp who will guide you through the latest developments and help you to understand the implications of MoCRA for exports to the United States. 

This seminar will cover a wide range of essential topics, including: 

  • A detailed exploration of MoCRA’s requirements for cosmetics, allowing you to navigate the specific obligations imposed by the new regulations. 
  • In-depth discussions on cosmetics labeling, adverse events, and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) regulations, enabling you to implement compliant practices and ensure product quality. 
  • Best practices for compliance, providing practical guidance to ensure adherence to the latest FDA guidelines and maximize your business’s regulatory compliance efforts
  • Export Opportunities to the USA under Trump 2.0

This event is an in-person one and an online one for businesses outside of Auckland. 

Date: 17 March
Time: 2pm to 4pm
Venue: EMA, 145 Khyber Pass Road Grafton Auckland, 1023
Ticket prices: $60 inc GST for In-person & Online 

In association with

David co-founded Registrar Corp in 2003. He has worked for nearly 30 years in FDA-regulated industries in the U.S. and Europe, conducting seminars on FDA regulations for trade associations, trade shows, and governments around the world. David also served as a Technical Expert for FDA’s Foreign Facility Registration Verification Program operated by the Division of Field Investigations.   At Registrar Corp, his main focus is business development and M&A.

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